
My writing journey began about twenty five years ago, when I thought I was destined to write fiction, specifically contemporary rom-com. I probably thought I should write it because it was so much fun to read.

Never did I consider writing anything for middle grade/young adult readers. Yet, in 2017, I found myself spinning a tale of a young boy sneaking out of his bedroom window at night on a wise old magic carpet. Together they did all kinds of exploring, and performing all kinds of heroics. This story was continued for a few years until one day, it was suggested that I write it down. So I did.

That’s where the Dreamscape Series began. I felt I should write a book that was empowering to kids, environmentally conscience, educational, and wildly adventurous. Both The Carnelian Game and The Kanyini Game are exactly that, and I have been amazed at what I’ve learned in my many hours of research. The research has been as much fun as the writing, and I love to write!

Book three is not quite finished. I’m placing it in Madagascar and there is so much to do there. They have devastating environmental issues, serious health issues, government corruption. Yet it’s a magical place where 90% of their plants and animals are endemic, yet about 35% of it all is endangered. Incredible! I am learning so much as I go, and am passing information on to my readers as the story develops. I hope to have it finished by April, 2025.

In the mean time, I share my home on Camano Island in Washington State, with my husband and two golden retrievers. We are old retired people along with so many of our neighbors here. We beach walk and go crabbing and grow oysters and play cards. It’s a good life and a good place to live, especially if you are a writer. Lots of rainy, stay inside the house, kinds of days.

I’m struggling with the title for the third book but I will post it as soon as it lands in my head!

Take care and happy reading!

Mary Ann