• Publishing Woes

    We’re all familiar with the old saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” It’s also said that a writer should only write what they know, and boy do I know what I’m writing about. I believe the publishing industry is one of the most difficult industries to navigate. I’ve been an active…

  • How does your garden grow?

      It’s a good time of year for tending gardens. It all begins with planning a space to grow things like tomatoes, patience, beans, kindness, garlic, acceptance, cucumbers and love. After deciding on the amount of space required, hard work is needed to till the soil by removing rocks, hate, weeds, criticisms, bugs, selfishness, sticks,…

  • Making it Count

    “Our life is but a grain of sand in the indifferent ocean of infinity.”  Sergei Dovlatov Simply said — we are, as individuals, insignificant in the universal scheme of things. A self important person only need step outside their tidy little world to understand and reap the benefits of such an absolute truth. Not s…

  • Spring into Confusion

    It’s that time of year again, when we lose the ever so precious hour, yet gain an hour at the end of the day. Funny how there are times when we simply can’t tell spring is on the way, regardless of the date. Being the research junkie that I am, I turned to the internet…

  • The Uncertainty of Surely

    As surely as a rose reveals velvet soft petals and heavenly fragrance, Shirley reminded me of it’s rather nasty thorns. In the world of surely, Shirley held her ground with solid stance and determination, unyielding to the ideas of others. Meaning me. Surely, I knew Shirley was annoyed and probably hated me by the time…

  • Wheather or Not

    It is, of course, unnecessary to point out that we are buried in snow, not only here in the Pacific Northwest, but apparently everywhere there’s a news station. So, while we’re drowning in the stuff, I’d like to point out the obvious, just for the sake of whining, and share a few facts I’ve never…