Pt. 6 (and the end) of The Cammie Orton Story
Pt. 6 Ann clamored down the stairs as quickly as she could, grasping the pealing metal railing, flecks…
Pt. 5 of the Cammie Orton Story
Part 5 “Come on Maddy,” I tugged on her arm. “What are you doing?” She stood glued…
Pt. 4 of the Cammie Orton Story
Part 4 About a week later Magdalene was back and she and I planned an early morning walk. …
Pt. 3 of the Cammie Orton Story
Part 3 In the following weeks, Cammie and I ran into each other regularly, usually walking the beach…
Pt. 2 of the Cammie Orton Story
Pt. 2 Not long after our first encounter I spotted her about a block down the beach from…
The Story of Cammie Orton (again)
For those of you who have already read this story’s beginning, I apologize. Summer got in the way…

Tyler Moore
Hello, my name is Tyler Moore and with the help of many people I made this template. I made it so it is super easy to update and so that it flows perfectly with my tutorials. I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.
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