Spring into Confusion

It’s that time of year again, when we lose the ever so precious hour, yet gain an hour at the end of the day. Funny how there are times when we simply can’t tell spring is on the way, regardless of the date. Being the research junkie that I am, I turned to the internet…

It’s that time of year again, when we lose the ever so precious hour, yet gain an hour at the end of the day. Funny how there are times when we simply can’t tell spring is on the way, regardless of the date.

Being the research junkie that I am, I turned to the internet for advise. Don’t look at the snow in your yard, it said. Just sit back and ask yourself these simple questions:

  1. Have you seen any Indian Plum in bloom yet? Because it’s about the first thing to bloom in lowland forest and wetlands. Lord knows we have plenty of those, so finding it shouldn’t be much of a challenge.
  2. Are the Herons gathering in their giant rookeries to build or repair nests in massive treetop colonies? Go look around Discovery Park if your not sure.
  3. Have you spotted any gray whales lately? They migrate in spring, travel through Puget Sound, and feed off the bottom which makes them pretty easy to spot. Usually in March.
  4. Have you been to the Columbia Gorge recently? Is it exploding in wild flowers? The unique combination of dry hi desert and damp west-side air contribute to the abundance of unique-to-the-area wild flowers.
  5. Do you suddenly have a pet newt? It’s that little lizard with the bright orange belly and toxic skin. It’s the one that isn’t afraid of anything and scurries around in broad daylight daring anyone to touch it.

If you have answered no to any or all of the above (which I have done), then go back to bed, regardless of the calendar date or daylight savings. It’s just not happening. Just look out your window at all that snow!


Mary Ann